dinsdag 1 januari 2013

Pimp an Old Bag

I love reusing things other people want to get rid of. I hate waste, the world has enough trash as it is and it gives me a lot of satisfaction to know I have saved an article from the wastedump and have given it a new lease of life.
I was very pleased when a colleague of mine asked me if I had any use for a green felt shoulderbag she didn't want anymore. She had sewn square patches of fabric on the front and it looked quite nice as it was but the sewing was a bit shabby.
So I removed all the fabric and let my imagination run free.....

First I looked in my fabric stash to see what colours would look nice with the felt and I found a piece of cotton exactly the same colour as the bag itself. I also found a pretty piece of batik material with seaturtles on it and that inspired me to give the bag a sea theme.

This is when the fun part started and I got all my beads and ribbons out. My colleague also gave me her beads and ornaments because she had stopped that particular hobby so I had al lot of new stuff to work with.
I started with a piece on which I sewed flowing seaweed and pearls.

And then I did a bit with more seaplants and some lovely fish which she had used in a bracelet I dismantled.

I was quite pleased with the finished result. I don't know if I am ever going to use the bag but I had a lot of fun making it!

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