zaterdag 2 maart 2013

Fabric Art

For years I have made all kinds of patchwork. There was a time when I thought that I would be lost without some kind of project. It even reached the point where I had a little tin with an "emergency project". This consisted of hundreds of little squares of fabric and hundreds of little squares of cardboard, a few pins and a needle, thread and a pair of scissors. I had done this because I thought that if I got ill and landed in hospital I wouldn't have anything to do! ( It didn't occur to me that I would be too ill to do anything but lie in my bed) Luckily I stayed healthy so I decided to start on the emergency project anyway. The end result was a patchwork top consisting of more than a thousand litte squares of fabric sewen together. At this point my interest in patchwork had wained and I had become very lazy. The thought of sandwiching and quilting the top became very daunting. I had everything I needed but just couldn't get myself to get started on it!
Then my father died... he had a house full of stuff and I kept finding all kinds of things in the back of cupboards and under beds etc. I also found a big gilt pictureframe. It was then when I got the idea! My heart started beating faster and I couldn't wait to get home and see if it would work....
Once home I got out the patchwork top and the size was right! I even had a little leftover round the edges.
I then got my stapelgun and stapeld the top onto the back of the frame with this result

I could now hang all my hard work on the wall without having to finish the thing!
I know you probably don't have a quilt top with more than a thousand pieces of material waiting to be finished lying around. But perhaps you could use some nice modern fabric to stapel behind an old frame you have. Something with big bold splashes of colour.
If you like the idea but don't have a frame you could hunt one down in a yardsale or thriftshop.
It's a simple way of making a big statement.

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