zaterdag 19 januari 2013

Give An Old Shell Lamp A New Lease Of Life

I don't get tired easily of the things I have in my home but I have noticed a slight change of taste over the years. I have had a shell ceilinglamp for over 25 years and there was nothing wrong with it but I thougt it a little boring so I decided to make it a little more colourfull. The changes I have made can be ondone in a matter of seconds so you can't go wrong here.
This is how it's looks now....

This is similar to how it looked before I started                  

I started by painting a piece of sturdy transparant plastic in the colours I wanted using permanent glasspaint. I used two colours for the big circles and mixed them together a bit on the plastic for a livelier effect.
Then I used a pair of compasses to work out the measurements of the shell circles and when the glasspaint was completely dry I made circles of the right size on the back of the plastic and carefully cut them out with a pair of scissors. Then I glued them on using photo glue which can be easily removed and doesn't leave a residu.
I just had the coloured circles on the lamp for a few years when I decided to liven the lamp up even more.

For the figures I used relief paint.
I live in Europe but I'm sure there must be similar products all over the world

I also had some pieces of mirror left over from another project and stuck those on at a later date. For this I used my trusty gluegun. Because I stuck it on the plastic instead of the shell I can remove it at any time without leaving a trace as I said earlier.
Using this method you can stick on (almost) anything you want and as often as you want.
I hope I have inspired you.

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