dinsdag 22 januari 2013

Make Your Own Air Freshener

This time I want to share an idea with you that anyone can make.
In our culture "toilet smells" are not done. Advertisments bombard us with all kinds of sprays in a scala of shapes and sizes and fragrances to mask unwanted odours.
Being the frugal person I am I never bought these things but opened the window or lit a match instead. But then I had an idea...
I got a spray bottle with a screwon top. In my case it was a nasal spray bottle. Our toilet/loo or if you are an American, restroom is tiny so that was big enough for us.
Here are some other bottles you could use

Then I put some perfume in it, you only need a small amount. I find that it's the perfect way to use up all the samples you get in shops which smell quite nice but not nice enough to wear on your skin. If you're a fan of pure and natural things you could put a few drops of essential oil in.

Then I top the bottle up with water. If you're afraid of germs growing in the water you could use alcohol. I have used this method for years and still haven't contracted Legionnaires disease so perhaps it's an unfounded fear.
If you like this idea but don't like the bottles used you could hunt around for one of these...

Perhaps you have an old aunt or granny who has one or you could find a one that still works in a yardsale of thriftshop.
I hope this article is usefull to you. Having you're "smallest room" smelling of Channel no 5 is much nicer than the store bought sprays.

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